On 57th Street, on 42nd Street, on Broadway, on Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Eighth Ave. (oh boy), Ninth Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Eleventh and Twelfth Avenue and every street in between...hotels, office buildings and my my my: condos GALORE! There must be 100 new skyscrapers (or more) going up now ALL AT ONCE! And I'm not exaggerating at all. In fact, I've probably UNDER-calculated.
Hey, I'm all for capitalism and making bushels of $$$....mazel tov! I think it's wonderful that Zeckenforf, Le Frak, Macklowe, Trump, Silverstein and all the other usual suspects (NYC developers) are making another few billion. But why are they all racing to build all of these new buildings all at once? And who are all of these rich people who are going to be moving in? But when 3 out of 4 streets I try to walk down are closed because of muddy, roped-off construction sites, gigantic booms swinging at all angles and arrogrant construction workers telling me to "move along" or blocking the streets so I can't use my regular tour routes, it's simply TOO MUCH.
I'm sure this is all because of Mayor Bloomberg, our billionaire mayor, the Democrat turned Republican turned Independent turncoat. I've met the Mayor and he's very cold and formal... Mayor Bloomberg has been a very good mayor and supposedly he's very honest. BUT birds of a feather flock together and that means fellow billionaires in the Billionaires Boys Club. Suddenly every construction project scheduled on the drawing board for the next 20 years has been green-lighted for NOW---for THIS YEAR or NEXT, because our business-friendly (read: development friendly) Mayor Bloomberg will be out by 2009. So his administration has OK'd anything and everything that his buddies want to put up. There are empty condos and empty offices all over town yet they keep building more because they, apparently, CAN. So much for a
"slumping" economy.
I'm sure this is all because of Mayor Bloomberg, our billionaire mayor, the Democrat turned Republican turned Independent turncoat. I've met the Mayor and he's very cold and formal... Mayor Bloomberg has been a very good mayor and supposedly he's very honest. BUT birds of a feather flock together and that means fellow billionaires in the Billionaires Boys Club. Suddenly every construction project scheduled on the drawing board for the next 20 years has been green-lighted for NOW---for THIS YEAR or NEXT, because our business-friendly (read: development friendly) Mayor Bloomberg will be out by 2009. So his administration has OK'd anything and everything that his buddies want to put up. There are empty condos and empty offices all over town yet they keep building more because they, apparently, CAN. So much for a
"slumping" economy.
It's quite obvious what's happening...and there's nothing we can do about it except wait for it all to be over and for our billionaire Mayor to get OUT of City Hall and go back to the country club!